Business Casual

Business Casual B.K. Borison


Business Casual (Lovelight Farms #4)

Two opposites decide to test their chemistry with one steamy night together. But will once be enough?

Nova Porter isn’t looking for love, and she certainly has no explanation for her attraction to buttoned-up, three-piece-suit-wearing investment banker Charlie Milford. Maybe it’s his charm? Or maybe it’s his determination to help her fledgling business however he can. Either way, she’s distracted every time he’s around. With her new tattoo studio set to open in her hometown of Inglewild, she doesn’t have time for frivolous flirtations.

In an effort to get Charlie out of her system once and for all, Nova offers a proposition. One night. No strings. They’ll kick their uncomfortable attraction to the curb and return to their respective responsibilities. But their explosive night together scatters their expectations like fallen leaves. And with Charlie in town as the temporary head of Lovelight Farms, Nova can’t quite avoid him.

And Charlie? Well, Charlie knows a good investment when he sees one. He’s hoping he can convince Nova he’s worth some of her time.

Chick-lit / Romance

Edições (1)

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Business Casual


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Resenhas para Business Casual (1)

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Não acredito que acabou

Finalmente terminei essa série e não sei se fico feliz com o final perfeito ou triste porque não vão ter mais novas histórias na Lovelight Farms, mas sei que vão ser livros que estarei sempre relendo, pois juntam tudo que amo em uma história só: natal, cidade pequena com um clima de Gilmore Girls, vizinhos fofoqueiros (mas bem intencionados), cada livro acontecendo em uma estação do ano e conseguindo transmitir bem o clima de cada uma, situações ridículas que me fizeram rir de verdade,... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 14
ranking 64
ranking 36
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Maria @booksofmary
cadastrou em:
04/09/2023 12:02:41
Maria @booksofmary
editou em:
19/07/2024 09:50:36

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