Girls of Flight City (eBook)

Girls of Flight City (eBook) Lorraine Heath


Girls of Flight City (eBook)

Inspired by true events, a breathtaking WWII historical novel about the brave American women who trained the British Royal Air Force, by New York Times bestselling author Lorraine Heath.

1941. A talented flier, Jessie Lovelace yearns for a career in aviation. When the civilian flight school in her small Texas town begins to clandestinely train British pilots for the RAF, she fights to become an instructor. But the task isn’t without its perils of near-misses and death. Faced with the weight of her responsibilities, she finds solace with a British officer who knows firsthand the heavy price paid in war . . . until he returns to the battles he never truly left behind.

Rhonda Monroe might not be skilled in the air but can give a trainee a wild ride in a flight simulator. Fearing little, she dares to jeopardize everything for a forbidden relationship with a charismatic airman…

Innocent and fun-loving Kitty Lovelace, Jessie's younger sister, adores dancing with these charming newcomers, realizing too late the risks they pose to her heart.

As the war intensifies and America becomes involved, the Girls of Flight City do their part to bring a victorious end to the conflict, pouring all their energy into preparing the young cadets to take to the skies and defeat the dangers that await. And lives from both sides of the Atlantic will be forever changed by love and loss…

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Girls of Flight City (eBook)


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on 19/2/24

RESENHA Início: 13/0/2024 Livro: As aviadoras Autora: Lorraine Heath Origem: Inglaterra Páginas: 320 ?Leitura em dupla Ficção / Romance Sobre o que achei: ??? Finalizado 1941- 1945 Terrence, Texas. Jessie é uma aviadora que dar instruções aos cadentes Britânicos na aula de voo para eles enfrentarem a guerra contra os nazistas de Hitler e os japoneses. Ela por ser mulher tem que demonstrar o tempo todo que é capaz de se instrutora em um ambiente que o predomínio é de homens! Alé... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 49
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