The Perfect Fit

The Perfect Fit Sadie Kincaid


The Perfect Fit

A Dark Why Choose Romance.

One wannabe writer from Brooklyn.
Three insanely hot billionaires.
One very indecent proposal.

West Archer, Ezekiel Cavanagh, and Xander King. AKA The Unholy Trinity. Ruthless. Ambitious. Intimidating.
With dark tastes and even darker desires, they’ve been searching for the perfect woman to fit into their unique lifestyle for over a decade. But despite their best efforts, none have made it past three months. Believing they’re destined to never find the one, they swear to stop looking.

Until they meet Lily.

There’s something about Lily Sloane, something that captivates all three of them. For the first time ever, it seems like they may have truly found the perfect fit. But as we all know, there is such a thing as too good to be true.

Lily Sloane isn’t the penniless girl from Brooklyn they think she is. And with a past full of secrets and lies that she’s trying to escape, the unholy trinity might have bitten off more than they can chew. When trust is broken, is there any way back?

The Perfect Fit is a dark why-choose MMFM romance with lots of angst, emotion, betrayal, and enough heat to melt your kindle. This book contains grumpy/sunshine, sword crossing, an epic grovel, and a HEA.
Content warnings include: CNC, knife play, blood play, primal play.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Perfect Fit


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on 7/2/24

Com gostos sombrios e desejos ainda mais sombrios, eles procuram a mulher perfeita para se adequar ao seu estilo de vida único há mais de uma década. Mas, apesar dos seus melhores esforços, nenhuma conseguiu passar dos três meses. Acreditando que estão destinados a nunca encontrar aquela, eles juram parar de procurar. Até conhecerem Lily. Há algo em Lily Sloane, algo que cativa os três. Pela primeira vez, parece que eles realmente encontraram o ajuste perfeito. Mas, como todos sabemo... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 32
ranking 16
ranking 38
ranking 19
ranking 22
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
03/01/2024 17:49:12
editou em:
03/01/2024 17:49:29

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