This Charming Man

This Charming Man Marian Keyes


This Charming Man

Lola Daly has just found out that her boyfriend - gorgeous, charming and powerful politician Paddy de Courcy - is getting married. To someone else. Heartbroken, Lola flees Dublin to a cottage in the countryside. Can a new set of friends help her to get over him? Journalist Grace Gildee wants the inside story on Paddy de Courcy's engagement. Lola refuses to talk the press but Grace won't give up. She knew Paddy a long time ago and hasn't forgotten him ...Marnie Hunter is Grace's twin sister. With a loving husband and two gorgeous daughters, Marnie seems to have it all. But she's haunted by memories. Memories that began with her first love - Paddy de Courcy. Can Marnie leave the past behind once and for all and move on with her life? Alicia Thornton is Paddy's wife-to-be. Determined to be the perfect wife, Alicia would do anything for her fiance. But does she know the real Paddy? Four women. One man. And a secret that binds them all.

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This charming man
This Charming Man
This Charming Man
This Charming Man


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Anybody Out There?

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on 15/2/11

Já faz um bom tempo que eu li esse livro e tinha feito uma resenha há bastante tempo e decidi fazer outra. Acabei de trocar o livro e sempre antes de enviar um livro, eu dou uma folheada nele. E lembrando de toda a história, me dei conta de como eu adorei esse livro! A Lola tem uma passagens completamente cômicas, mesmo em crise ela consegue se divertir. A Marnie é outra personagem em crise, por causa do mesmo homem, só que ela não conseguiu em momento algum dar a volta por cima. Sua i... leia mais


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