
Torn K.A. Robinson


Torn #1

Chloe hasn't had the best life. With a mother who is gone more often than not, she has had to raise herself. After graduating high school, she leaves to start a new life away at West Virginia University with her best friends Amber and Logan, determined to leave her demons in the past.

On her first day, she meets a stranger who takes her breath away at first sight. Until she met Drake, no one had ever sparked her interest. Now this tattooed and pierced bad boy is all she can think about, no matter how hard she fights it.

Falling for Drake was never part of her plans, but when it happens, things seem to do anything but fall into place.

Dealing with a tragic past, Drake has never cared about anyone else but himself and his band. But when Chloe takes the empty seat next to him in class, things start to change. Instantly drawn to her, he begins to wonder if one girl can take a cold hearted womanizer and change every part of him?

Long hidden feelings are revealed and friendships tested to the brink.


He laughed at my pitiful attempts. “Is that all you’ve got? What a wimp.” At his words, I started pushing him harder, but my hands slipped from his hip and I tumbled down onto him. My breath was sucked out of me as I landed on top of him and I felt those tingles everywhere my body pressed against his. I tried to shove away from him, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me up so I was fully on top of him, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, hips to hips. He was hard everywhere I touched and I felt my cheeks turning red as I looked at him.

His eyes had darkened until they were black with hunger as he stared at me, and a smirk appeared on his lips. “You know baby, if you wanted to get on top of me all you had to do was ask.”

Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Resenhas para Torn (1)

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Torn (Torn # 1)
on 5/7/13

Na verdade 3,5 estrelinhas. História boa, mas é muito parecida com o primeiro livro da trilogia "Thoughtless", mesmo assim eu gostei, apesar de não chegar nem perto da maravilha que é Thoughtless. Eu amei os personagens masculinos Drake e Logan. Entretanto não curti tanto a Chloe. As vezes parecia que ela não sabia direito o que tava fazendo, meio confusa demais. Tava muito dramática. Ela poderia ter resolvido os problemas de maneira mais fácil, mas ficou parecendo que o drama... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 16
ranking 13
ranking 38
ranking 19
ranking 25
ranking 6



Helen Night
cadastrou em:
01/02/2013 20:16:44
editou em:
25/01/2017 00:13:02

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