Lady Midnight

Lady Midnight Cassandra Clare


Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)

The Dark Artifices #1

Los Angeles. It’s been five years since the events of the Mortal Instruments when Nephilim stood poised on the brink of oblivion and Shadowhunter Emma Carstairs lost her parents. After the blood and violence she witnessed as a child, Emma has dedicated her life to to discovering exactly what it was that killed her parents and getting her revenge.

Raised in the Los Angeles Institute with the Blackthorn family, Emma is paired as a parabatai with her best friend, Julian Blackthorn. A series of murders in the city catch her attention — they seem to have the same characteristics as the deaths of her parents. Could the murderer be the same person? And her attention isn’t the only one caught: someone has been murdering Downworlders as well. The Fair Folk make a deal with the Institute: if the Blackthorns and Emma will investigate the killings, they’ll return Mark Blackthorn to his home. The catch: they have only two weeks to find the killers. Otherwise it’s open war between faeries and Nephilim.

The Shadowhunters of the Institute must race against time to catch the killers, even as they begin to suspect the involvement of those closest to them. At the same time, Emma is falling in love with the one person in the world she’s absolutely forbidden by Shadowhunter Law to love. Set against the glittering backdrop of present-day Los Angeles, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches from the warlock-run nightclubs of the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica.


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Lady Midnight
Lady Midnight
Lady Midnight


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These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it wo
on 20/6/22

EU TAVA COM TANTA SAUDADE DO MUNDINHO SHADOWHUNTER ???? tava com as expectativas super altas com the dark artifices já que MUITA gente fala que é uma das melhores trilogias da cassandra, e posso dizer que minhas expectativas foram muito bem sanadas!! os blackthorns?? AMO TODOS, helen, mark, julian, livvy, ty, dru e tavvy vocês tem um lugar especial no meu coração ?? EMMA CARSTAIRS SENDO LITERALMENTE A VERSÃO FEMININA DO JACE KKKKKK te amo emma, te amo MUITO aí eu amo tanto o julian, o ... leia mais

Vídeos Lady Midnight (1)

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Resenhando: Lady Midnight || Larissa Siriani

Resenhando: Lady Midnight || Larissa Siriani


Avaliações 4.5 / 574
ranking 68
ranking 24
ranking 6
ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
17/09/2013 14:30:12
luh lantsov
editou em:
19/05/2022 20:01:30

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