Night of Cake and Puppets

Night of Cake and Puppets Laini Taylor


Night of Cake and Puppets (A Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2.5)

In this new stand alone novella from New York Times bestselling author Laini Taylor comes the story of a funny and fantastical first date. In NIGHT OF CAKE & PUPPETS, Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy - the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Told in alternating perspectives, it's the perfect love story for fans of the series and new readers alike.

Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her 'rabid fairy', her 'voodoo eyes' are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or 'Violin Boy', her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It's a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter's night before finally leading him to the treasure: herself!

Distopia / Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (2)

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Night of Cake and Puppets
Night of Cake and Puppets


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Resenhas para Night of Cake and Puppets (4)

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Resenha: Night Of Cake and Puppets, Laini Taylor
on 2/2/14

Depois de ter lido “Dias de Sangue & Estrelas” eu tive que ir procurar saber quando o último livro da trilogia iria sair, logo de cara eu encontrei uma decepção, o livro ainda nem foi publicado o que só irá demorar ainda mais para ser traduzido e publicado aqui no Brasil. Apesar dessa tristeza eu acabei vendo uma luz no fim do túnel (não, eu não estava morrendo, mas são muitos sentimentos para apenas uma trilogia), um spinoff da série tinha acabado de ser lançando! Tá, não contem a Kar... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 44
ranking 51
ranking 29
ranking 11
ranking 9
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/10/2013 20:50:42
editou em:
17/09/2021 09:07:55

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