His Highness the Duke

His Highness the Duke Michelle M. Pillow


His Highness the Duke

Dragon Lords #5

The would-be heroine…

Aeron wants nothing more than to continue to live out her very long, solitary life in a small metal room listening to communications for the Federation Military. It’s not glamorous. It’s not even charming. But it’s safe. There’s no chance of getting hurt.

When she intercepts a communication about the impending genocide of the Qurilixian people, she has no choice but to act. No one at the Federation seems inclined to do anything about the threat and suddenly it’s up to her to save a whole planet. Enlisting the help of her degenerate sister, Aeron finds herself signed up as a prospective bride to the very barbarians she’s trying to save.

The man who did not need saved…

High Duke of Draig, Lord Bron, is not looking forward to his seventh failed attempt at a marriage ceremony, but when he sees the lovely Aeron he knows instantly his years of waiting have finally paid off. The gods have blessed him with a life mate… or have they? His new bride is insistent she’s not there for marriage, but for a mission. It’s up to Bron to convince her to stay, or risk spending the rest of his life alone.

Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, and violence.


Edições (1)

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His Highness the Duke


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O gran duque de Draig
on 7/1/24

Aeron trabalha em uma espaçonave e descobre que há outra raça que quer se apossar dos minérios de Qurulixien e ela precisa avisar os Draig. Por isso, ela pede ajuda da sua irmã, Riona, que é uma jogadora e que provavelmente saberá como chegar no planeta. Riona coloca as duas a bordo do Noivas da Galáxia. Uma nave contratada pelos Draig para levarem noivas e participarem do festival de casamento. Bron já está no seu 7º ano, e já está perdendo as esperanças, assim como seu irmão Alek, ... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.6 / 28
ranking 21
ranking 39
ranking 29
ranking 7
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
08/12/2013 17:59:59
Taynara @adamadolivro
editou em:
17/06/2017 09:42:31

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