Born in Death

Born in Death J. D. Robb


Born in Death

In Death #23

View our feature on J.D. Robb’s Eve Dallas series.

Eve Dallas has a grisly double homicide to solve when two young lovers—both employees of the same prestigious accounting firm—are brutally killed on the same night. It doesn't leave Eve a lot of leftover time to put together a baby shower for her buddy Mavis, but that's supposedly what friends are for.

Now Mavis needs another favor. Tandy Willowby, one of the moms-to-be in Mavis's birthing class, didn't show up for the shower. A recent emigrant from London, Tandy has few friends in New York, and no family—and she was really looking forward to the party. And when Eve enters Tandy's apartment and finds a gift for Mavis's shower wrapped and ready on the table—and a packed bag for the hospital still on the floor next to it—tingling runs up and down her spine.

Normally, such a case would be turned over to Missing Persons. But Mavis wants no one else on the job but Eve—and Eve can't say no. She'll have to track Tandy down while simultaneously unearthing the deals and double-crosses hidden in the files of some of the city's richest and most secretive citizens, in a race against this particularly vicious killer. Luckily, her multimillionaire husband Roarke's expertise comes in handy with the number crunching. But as he mines the crucial data that will break the case wide open, Eve faces an all too real danger in the world of flesh and blood.

Edições (3)

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Born in Death
Born in Death
Born in Death


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Resenhas para Born in Death (1)

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on 7/9/10

Eu esperava mais do Born. Não é um livro ruim não, é muito bom, tinha tudo pra ser ótimo, mas faltou alguma coisa. Talvez eu esteja achando isso porque eu demorei quase uma semana pra ler. Durante o dia não dá pra ler já que eu leio no computador e a noite não estou lendo muito porque tenho que levantar cedo no outro dia. Li o Born bem devagar mesmo. Eu podia ter terminado de ler no sábado,mas estava caindo de sono e já não estava nem entendendo o que eu estava lendo. Quando voltei a ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 43
ranking 42
ranking 44
ranking 14
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cadastrou em:
22/09/2009 19:34:51
editou em:
16/02/2015 00:46:07

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