call of cthulhu

call of cthulhu H. P. Lovecraft


call of cthulhu

Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft

The Great Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of humankind. Originally they came from the gulfs of space and were cast down by even greater beings. Remains of their cyclopean cities and forbidden knowledge can still be found on remote islands in the Pacific, buried amid the shifting sands of vast deserts, and in the frigid recesses of the polar extremes. Now they sleep -- some deep within the enveloping earth and others beneath the eternal sea, in the drowned city of R'lyeh, preserved in the waters by the spells of mighty Cthulhu. When the stars are right they will rise, and once again walk this Earth.

Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium’s classic roleplaying game of Lovecraftian horror in which ordinary people are confronted by the terrifying and alien forces of the Cthulhu Mythos. Call of Cthulhu uses Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying System, easy to learn and quick to play. This bestseller has won dozens of game-industry awards and is a member of the Academy of Adventure Game Design Hall of Fame. In 2001 Call of Cthulhu celebrated its 20th anniversary. In 2003 Call of Cthulhu was voted the #1 Gothic/Horror RPG of all time by the Gaming community. Call of Cthulhu is well-supported by an ever-growing line of high quality game supplements.

This is the softcover 6th edition of this classic horror game, completely compatible with all of previous editions and supplements for Call of Cthulhu. This is a complete roleplaying game in one volume. All you need to play is this book, some dice, imagination, and your friends.

Edições (3)

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Call of Cthulhu
call of cthulhu
call of cthulhu


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Resenhas para call of cthulhu (1)

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Não sei se foi boa escolha pra primeiro audio livro em ingles
on 2/10/23

Decidi pegar esse livro em audio book em inglÊs pra praticar. Porém é bem dificil. Eu finalizei ele, mas precisei ter o dobro de atenção. Vários termos diferentes e pouco usados, inglês britanico, e pelo fato de ser apenas uma narrativa, sem dialogos, tornou ainda mais complexo. Achei super cansativo de ouvir, e acho que ler tambem seria. Narra a história de um sobrinho, que encontra o diario de seu tio, onde conta a história sobre o cthulhu, um monstro que vem a terra e mata as pessoa... leia mais


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29/12/2009 14:44:57

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