This Heart of Mine

This Heart of Mine Susan Elizabeth Phillips


This Heart of Mine (Chicago Stars #5)

Molly Somerville has long had a secret crush on the Chicago Stars' key player, quarterback Kevin Tucker. Kevin's career is hard for Molly to escape, given that Molly's older sister, Phoebe, is the owner of the team. Consequently, Molly also knows about Kevin's penchant for dating gorgeous bimbos and his puzzling need to partake of risky, life-endangering hobbies, a trait that drives Phoebe crazy. Molly, however, can relate to this part of Kevin, as she has shown a tendency toward some pretty reckless behavior herself.

When fate places Molly and Kevin alone together for a weekend in Phoebe's isolated cabin, sparks fly and passions flare when both refuse to leave. In the end, Molly makes her most reckless decision yet by climbing into bed while Kevin is sleeping and seducing him before he knows what's happened. When she ends up pregnant, Kevin insists on marrying her for propriety's sake. And when Molly then has a miscarriage, it leaves both of them wounded and wary. Forced to spend their summer at the beleaguered and rundown wilderness resort that Kevin has inherited from a relative, the twosome spruce the place up and get it to turn a profit. In the process they discover the healing power of love, but not before learning some hard truths about themselves, their pasts, and their feelings for each other.


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This Heart of Mine
This Heart of Mine
This Heart of Mine


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A mocinha nunca ouviu falar em consentimento
on 11/7/20

Amo essa autora, mas esse livro é impossível de digerir. Não vamos romantizar estupro minha gente. Homens também podem ser abusados e isso é exatamente o que ocorre aqui. O abuso é físico e psicológico, fui até o fim na leitura torcendo pra esse pobre coitado se livrar dessa mulher maligna, que se escondia por trás da fachada de vítima da história. Spoiler alert: Isso não acontece!! Eles fazem um romance dessa situação horrorosa. Fujam desse livro!... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 74
ranking 39
ranking 31
ranking 26
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
09/12/2009 11:25:05
editou em:
11/10/2017 10:37:16