American Gods

American Gods Neil Gaiman


American Gods

Shadow gets out of prison early when his wife is killed in a car crash. At a loss, he takes up with a mysterious character called Wednesday, who is much more than he appears. In fact, Wednesday is an old god, once known as Odin the All-father, who is roaming America rounding up his forgotten fellows in preparation for an epic battle against the upstart deities of the Internet, credit cards, television, and all that is wired. Shadow agrees to help Wednesday, and they whirl through a psycho-spiritual storm that becomes all too real in its manifestations. For instance, Shadow's dead wife Laura keeps showing up, and not just as a ghost--the difficulty of their continuing relationship is by turns grim and darkly funny, just like the rest of the book.
Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow's road story is the heart of the novel, and it's here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. "This is a bad land for Gods," says Shadow.

More than a tourist in America, but not a native, Neil Gaiman offers an outside-in and inside-out perspective on the soul and spirituality of the country--our obsessions with money and power, our jumbled religious heritage and its societal outcomes, and the millennial decisions we face about what's real and what's not.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (17)

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on 3/9/09

Hoje nós vamos fazer meio que palavras cruzadas. Estou aqui com minha cópia de American Gods e Anansi Boys, além de Coisas Fragéis aberto no conto O Monarca do Vale e todos eles estão praticamente cobertos em post-its amarelos, rosa e azuis com pequenas notas explicativas sobre todos os pequenos detalhes mitológicos que eu era capaz de encontrar. Por motivos que ficarão óbvios quando eu terminar este artigo – se é que você ainda não leu as histórias que acabo de citar - American Gods ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 1.048
ranking 49
ranking 34
ranking 14
ranking 2
ranking 1



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