Storm and Fury

Storm and Fury Jennifer L. Armentrout


Storm and Fury (The Harbinger #1)

From the #1 New York Times, USA TODAY and internationally bestselling author of the fantastical Dark Elements and the Lux series comes a new novel set in a world of gargoyle protectors, rising demons and one girl with an explosive secret.

Eighteen-year-old Trinity Marrow may be going blind, but she can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits. Her unique gift is part of a secret so dangerous that she's been in hiding for years in an isolated compound fiercely guarded by Wardens--gargoyle shape-shifters who protect humankind from demons. If the demons discover the truth about Trinity, they'll devour her, flesh and bone, to enhance their own powers.When Wardens from another clan arrive with disturbing reports that something out there is killing both demons and Wardens, Trinity's safe world implodes. Not the least because one of the outsiders is the most annoying and fascinating person she's ever met. Zayne has secrets of his own that will upend her world yet again--but working together becomes imperative once demons breach the compound and Trinity's secret comes to light. To save her family and maybe the world, she'll have to put her trust in Zayne. But all bets are off as a supernatural war is unleashed....

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Storm and Fury


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on 1/6/21

A Jen é uma das minhas escritoras favoritas e apesar desse não ter sido um dos meus livros favoritos dela, ela nunca decepciona. Sempre que via esse livro ficava morrendo de vontade de ler, procurei pdf em vários lugares e nunca achava, não entendia pq ninguém dava muita atenção para essa saga e só pesquisando bem afundo que fui descobrir que é um spin-off da serie The Dark Elements, que eu li a muitos anos atrás. Tendo isso em consideração, algo que me chamou muito a atenção é como ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 133
ranking 45
ranking 41
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cadastrou em:
01/06/2018 13:43:18
Yasmim de Oliveira
editou em:
29/05/2020 13:48:44

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