Médico de Homens e de Almas

Médico de Homens e de Almas Taylor Caldwell


Médico de Homens e de Almas

Dear and Glorious Physician

"Dear and Glorious Physician": A Novel about Saint Luke (1958) '-' A vida de Lucano (o evangelista S. Lucas) -- um dos discípulos e apóstolos de Cristo, é narrada pela autora que levou quase 50 anos para escrever a obra, reunindo detalhes da história de quem dedicou toda sua existência à arte de curar.
'The world-famous novel about the triumphant story of St. Luke. Man of science, and Gospel writer. Today St. Luke is known as the author of the third Gospel of the New Testament, but two thousand years ago he was Lucanus, a Greek, a man who loved, knew the emptiness of bereavement, and later traveled through the hills and wastes of Judea asking, "What manner of man was my Lord?" And it is of this Lucanus that Taylor Caldwell tells here in one of the most stirring stories ever lived or written. Lucanus grew up in the household of his stepfather, the Roman govenor of Antioch. After studying medicine in Alexandria he became one of the greatest physicians of the ancient world and traveled far and wide through the Mediterranean region healing the sick. As time went on he learned of the life and death of Christ and saw in Him the God he was seeking. To find out all he could about the life and teachings of Jesus, whom he never saw, Lucanus visited all the places where Jesus had been, questioning everyone--including His mother, Mary--who had known Him or heard Him preach. At last, when he had gathered all information possible, he wrote down what we now know as the Gospel according to St. Luke. Taylor Caldwell has chosen the grand, the splendid means to tell of St. Luke. Her own travels through the Holy Land and years of meticulous research made Dear and Glorious Physician a fully developed portrait of a complex and brilliant man and a colorful re-creation of ancient Roman life as it contrasted in its decadence with the new world Christianity was bringing into being. Here is a story to warm, to inspire, to call forth renewal of faith and love lying deep in each reader's heart.'

História / Religião e Espiritualidade / Aventura / Crônicas / Drama / História Geral / Política / Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (9)

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Resenhas para Médico de Homens e de Almas (140)

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Três em Um
on 17/7/11

"Médico de Homens e de Almas" um livro com o qual sempre me deparava, quando eu ia a algum Sebo, aqui em minha cidade, mas que nunca me animava comprá-lo. Chegava a pegá-lo nas mãos, porém o número de páginas e minha relutância em voltar ao banco de catequese ( era o que vinha a minha mente: que era o um livro com o intuito de evangelizar) fazia com que eu o devolvesse a prateleira. Entretanto, da última vez que fui a um Sebo, folhei o livro e o que li no prefácio me deixou atônita. ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 2.076
ranking 68
ranking 23
ranking 8
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cadastrou em:
22/12/2012 00:27:45
editou em:
28/03/2017 12:25:38