The Blade Itself

The Blade Itself Joe Abercrombie


The Blade Itself

The First Law Trilogy, Book 1

Inquisitor Glokta, a crippled and increasingly bitter relic of the last war, former fencing champion turned torturer extraordinaire, is trapped in a twisted and broken body - not that he allows it to distract him from his daily routine of torturing smugglers. Nobleman, dashing officer and would-be fencing champion Captain Jezal dan Luthar is living a life of ease by cheating his friends at cards. Vain, shallow, selfish and self-obsessed, the biggest blot on his horizon is having to get out of bed in the morning to train with obsessive and boring old men. And Logen Ninefingers, an infamous warrior with a bloody past, is about to wake up in a hole in the snow with plans to settle a blood feud with Bethod, the new King of the Northmen, once and for all - ideally by running away from it. But as he's discovering, old habits die really, really hard indeed... especially when Bayaz gets involved. A bald old man with a terrible temper and a pathetic assistant, he could be the First of the Magi, he could be a spectacular fraud, but whatever he is, he's about to make the lives of Glotka, Jezal and Logen a whole lot more difficult...

Edições (2)

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The Blade Itself
The Blade Itself


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Resenhas para The Blade Itself (9)

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Plot pra QUE?
on 3/5/21

Esse livro e conhecido por ser basicamente desprovido de um enredo cativante. O objetivo dos personagens e bastante individual e nao fica claro se ou quando eles vão convergir na historia. E isso não é problema nenhum. Eu assistiria Glokta dar role por ai enchendo o saco das pessoas pra sempre sem reclamar. Jezal é hilariamente arrogante e é um prazer assisti-lo tentar evoluir como pessoa. O unico POV q eu nao curti mto foi o da Faro. Mas isso tem mto mais haver com a minha preferencia... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 95
ranking 37
ranking 44
ranking 15
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
15/03/2010 18:36:51

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