The Twelve Clues of Christmas

The Twelve Clues of Christmas Rhys Bowen


The Twelve Clues of Christmas

A Royal Spyness Mystery, Book 06

In the sixth mystery in the New York Times bestselling Royal Spyness series, Lady Georgiana Rannoch cannot wait to ring in the New Year—before a Christmas killer wrings another neck…

Scotland, 1933. While her true love, Darcy O’Mara, is spending his feliz navidad tramping around South America and her mother is holed up in a tiny village called Tiddleton-under-Lovey with droll playwright Noel Coward, Georgie is quite literally stuck at Castle Rannoch thanks to a snowstorm.

It seems like a Christmas miracle when she manages to land a position as hostess to a posh holiday party in Tiddleton. The village should be like something out of A Christmas Carol, but as soon as she arrives things take a deadly turn when a neighborhood nuisance falls out of a tree. On her second day, another so-called accident results in a death—and there’s yet another on her third, making Georgie wonder if there's something wicked happening in this winter wonderland...

Includes an English Christmas companion, full of holiday recipes, games, and more!

Aventura / Crime / Crônicas / Drama / Ficção / História / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Política / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Twelve Clues of Christmas


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Um lindo natal Britânico.
on 30/10/23

Senti que foi um dos livros mais completos e fechadinhos até aqui. Os personagens e suas relações foram mais construídos, o mistério melhor desenvolvido e finalizado e o cenário e os enredos secundários foram mais apresentados e inseridos até aqui. Fiquei muito feliz que a relação entre a Georgie e Darcy foi mais explorada, o que foi aquele final? Nunca esperaria que o Darcy fizesse aquilo naquele momento. Falando nele, me irritou muito a descrença no que a Georgie estava falando, ... leia mais


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editou em:
24/05/2023 18:55:06

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