
Herança Judith Michael

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Eighteen-year-old Laura Fairchild, her younger brother, Clay, and her older half-brother, Ben, are thieves: They ve pickpocketed, burglarized, and otherwise ripped-off seemingly half of New York City; and at the start here, they re going to try their luck on Cape Cod - where Laura and Clay have begun work as domestics for the wealthy Salinger family, who own 50 hotels but are shamelessly modeled on the Kennedys. But Laura becomes so enamored of patriarch Owen Salinger that she instead becomes his protegee. When he dies, four years later, he leaves her a good chunk of his empire, much to the dismay of his son Felix, who knows about Laura s criminal past. He contests the will in court and wins - and Laura even loses her beloved fiance, Paul Janssen, Owen s grandnephew, who foolishly doubts her integrity. But Laura battles her way back, hooking up with (and then dumping) a love-struck entrepreneur who helps her secretly buy four Salinger hotels. In the meantime, brother Ben marries Owen s granddaughter Allison - and reveals himself to be the son of a man Felix Salinger had casually destroyed early in his career. The combination of Laura and Ben proves too much, culminating (despite brother Clay s continued criminal career) in the vanquishment of Felix - and in Laura s happy reunion with Paul. Just about as complicated and suspenseful as a Dynasty rerun, but palatable, and should provide at least a mild opiate for the masses who will flock to this, as they have to previous Judith Michael concoctions. (Kirkus Reviews)


Judith Michael é pseudônimo de Judith Barnard e Michael Fain, por isso os livros , na realidade , são escritos eles (marido e mulher).


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Resenhas para Herança (1)

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Li o livro há algum tempo e gostei bastante. Recentemente resolvi reler. A história é muito boa: a mocinha (Laura) teve uma infância difícil e, incentivada pelo irmão mais velho, praticava furtos. Mas ela não gosta do que faz, seu sonho é fazer uma faculdade e viver honestamente. Aos 18 anos, ela vai trabalhar na casa de uma família muito rica, dona de uma rede de hotéis. O plano é descobrir onde são guardadas as valiosas joias. No entanto, ela acaba se apegando à família, que a tr...
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