Mulherisma Africana

Mulherisma Africana Nah Dove

PDF - Mulherisma Africana

This book highlights the integrity of some Afrikan mothers who, under European domination within the United States and the United Kingdom, have used their own experience as a foundation for understanding the impact of cultural imposition on their children's lives. Most of these mothers have chosen to place their children in school environments that will educate their children about their culutral roots, in order that their cultural memory and knowledge of Afrikan people will be handed down intergenerationally. This book looks sensitively at the herstories of women who are undergoing their own process of transformation and offers insights into the historical and continuing struggle of Afrikan people as a cultural entity living within European-oriented societies.

Mulherisma Africana

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Mulherisma Africana é um livro para pensar a sociedade com uma perspectiva não ociden

Cadastrei esse livro na plataforma, pois quanto mais pessoas tiverem acesso a ele melhor. Mulherisma Africana é um livro forte, intuitivo e de bastante reflexão pra todos que vivem na diáspora. Os assuntos abordados com o "vencimento do patriarcado sobre o matriarcado" é fundamental para entendermos a condição dos Africanos ao redor do globo. A autora coloca que todos os negros na diáspora são Africanos. Recomendo o livro a todes!...
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