Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning: The Nonintuitive New Science of Effective Learning

Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning: The Nonintuitive New Science of Effective Learning Felipe Fregni

Resenhas - Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning: The Nonintuitive New Science of Effective Learning

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A004 22/01/2024

This book is very good, speak about effective learning, self-study, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, mastery and purpose. Second part of book is about effective method of teaching: Teacher-Centered vs Student-Centered.

I think is true because, if you are a good learning, you a good teaching i like some phases that exemplifies my point:
"The true master is the eternal apprentice"
"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself"
"Simplification is the ultimate form of sophistication"

In my student life I encountered many teachers who liked to talk beautifully and complicatedly but were unable to simplify their own reasoning. True understanding is like a ladder and boxes [A, B, C, etc.] you provide the most appropriate one for each situation. The role of the teacher is to be a facilitator and encourage debates and exchanges of ideas, the teacher is not above the student nor is the student above the teacher, both are learners, the only difference is the functions that each one performs.

Thank you if read, this is my first review in english.

My recommendations from some sources:]

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