Lords of Mercy

Lords of Mercy Angel Lawson
Samantha Rue


Lords of Mercy (Royals of Forsyth University #3)

Dark College Bully Romance

I came back to Forsyth and agreed to be their Lady for two reasons: protection and revenge.

I put up with the abuse, the degradation, the humiliation, and bided my time. I wanted vengeance and I took it. The Lords give as good as they get and the consequences were fierce, but there's one truth when it comes to Killian, Dimitri and Tristian.

They keep what's theirs.

They wanted to break me, but instead, they molded me into their perfect weakness. They fought for me. Bled for me. Championed for me. I was put through the gauntlet and came out stronger. I earned the title of Lady.

Then they became my weakness.

I agreed to sleep under their roof, but on my terms. No more rules, no more punishments, no cameras or dress codes or sneaking into my bedroom. In return, I'll give them a chance to earn the title of Lord.

Building trust takes time, but with all the threats nipping at our heels, that's a luxury we don't have. We have to rely on one another despite our complicated pasts―to find a murderer, a stalker, and a traitor.

This new life of pain, wrath, and mercy is a confusing maze of twists and turns. Fortunately for us, there will always be one fixed constant, guiding us home:

The Royal we.

WARNING: This book is a DARK/BULLY romance. It contains graphic content that some readers may be particularly sensitive to. If you have triggers or are even remotely unsure, please heed the note at the beginning of this book.

Esportes / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Lords of Mercy


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on 17/10/22

O que é o limite? Uma síntese de uma linha moral? Certo e errado? Pessoas muitas vezes vão passar dos limites, mas cabe a você permitir aturar tal situação ou não. Você conhece as regras? Sabe aonde está se metendo? Então aí é contigo. Porque o combinado não sai caro e não adianta chorar leite derramado. Story quis trocar um mal desconhecido por um já conhecido. No segundo livro vemos a degradação de um relacionamento, a sujeira, a obsessão e essa coisa toda depressiativa. O sentimen... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 455
ranking 46
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cadastrou em:
17/10/2021 00:09:31
editou em:
22/04/2022 20:38:42

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