Masters of Death

Masters of Death Olivie Blake


Masters of Death

From Olivie Blake, the New York Times bestselling author of The Atlas Six comes Masters of Death, a story about vampires, ghosts, and death itself!

Viola Marek is a struggling real estate agent, and a vampire. But her biggest problem currently is that the house she needs to sell is haunted. The ghost haunting the house has been murdered, and until he can solve the mystery of how he died, he refuses to move on.

Fox D’Mora is a medium, and though is also most-definitely a shameless fraud, he isn’t entirely without his uses—seeing as he’s actually the godson of Death.

When Viola seeks out Fox to help her with her ghost-infested mansion, he becomes inextricably involved in a quest that neither he nor Vi expects (or wants). But with the help of an unruly poltergeist, a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel, a love-stricken reaper, and a few high-functioning creatures, Vi and Fox soon discover the difference between a mysterious lost love and an annoying dead body isn’t nearly as distinct as they thought.

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (4)

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Masters of Death
Masters of Death
Masters of Death
Masters of Death


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?Hello children, it?s time for Death (?)?
on 2/4/23

Foram basicamente 350 páginas de pessoas atrevidas e completamente impressionantes, não totalmente mortas, relutantes em admitir que se importam com outras pessoas enquanto o fazem com muita clareza e foi muito divertido. Todos os livros de fantasia têm alguns elementos clássicos comuns que são marcadores do gênero, mas escritores de fantasia como Neil Gaiman e Olivie Blake adotaram uma abordagem muito diferente e não convencional do gênero. É difícil de explicar, mas é algo que seus... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 29
ranking 48
ranking 38
ranking 10
ranking 3
ranking 0



gilmore girlie
cadastrou em:
10/02/2024 23:55:24
gilmore girlie
editou em:
10/02/2024 23:56:47