Naga Say Never

Naga Say Never Kylie Marcus


Naga Say Never (Monster Between The Sheets #06)


After I was turned into a Naga by a punch gone wrong, I slithered back to my home and kept to myself. After all, everyone's afraid of snakes—even other monsters.

Then, one day, my front door opens, and in walks the most beautiful creature I've ever seen ... and she has no idea I'm living here with her.

From what I can tell, she's hiding from something, and she has no idea I'm watching her.

But the longer I wait, the more she makes herself comfortable, and before long, I realize I can't keep hiding in the shadows. She should know while she's buying throw pillows, I'm imagining throwing her over my shoulder.

I'm a monster with primal urges I can't control. I don't want to hurt her, but I also don't want to give her up.


After marrying into a demon mafia, my sister sent me away to "protect" me. Except, a nunnery is the last place I want to be.

So, in the middle of the night, I make a run for it. When I stumble on a dilapidated house in a very quiet town, I take shelter while I try to make a plan.

As I make this place livable, I feel like something—or someone—is watching me. I want to try and make Screaming Woods my home, but what if it belongs to someone else?

Then, he comes in the night like a dream. I've been running from demons all this time, only to find I've run right into the bed of a real monster.

I'm supposed to be scared, but something about this snake-man makes me feel safe. Jake believes he's unloveable, and I'm too young to settle down with a man twice my age.

But if I learned anything from my sister, it's that you can't deny fate when it calls.

Can this human convince her stalker monster that the age gap between them is just a number and it's no reason to swear off their fated love? Read today to find out!

Contos / Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Naga Say Never


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Resenhas para Naga Say Never (1)

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on 21/10/22

Se eu achava que o livro do homem invisível seria estranho, esse aqui eu tinha CERTEZA que seria esquisito. Não vou me alongar: achei esse livro horrível. Ele é tão errado, de tantas formas, que misericórdia! O mocinho é super bizarro, e isso não tem nada a ver com o fato dele ser metade homem e metade cobra. Aliás, a coisa menos bizarra nele é sua aparência. O cara tem vários comportamento questionáveis, inclusive quando a mocinha está inconsciente, e isso foi só o começo. Nem vale a ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
18/10/2022 19:28:11
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
18/10/2022 19:28:39

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