Nineteen eighty-four - 1984

Nineteen eighty-four - 1984 George Orwell
Amazing Ameziane


Nineteen eighty-four - 1984

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel by Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, published in 1949. The novel is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the superstate Oceania in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public mind control, dictated by a political system euphemistically named English Socialism (or, in the government's invented language, Newspeak, called Ingsoc) under the control of a privileged Inner Party elite that persecutes all individualism and independent thinking as “thoughtcrimes”. The tyranny is epitomised by Big Brother, the quasi-divine Party leader who enjoys an intense cult of personality, but who may not even exist. Big Brother and the Party justify their oppressive rule in the name of a supposed greater good. The protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party who works for the Ministry of Truth (or Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. His job is to re-write past newspaper articles so that the historical record always supports the current party line. Smith is a diligent and skilful worker, but he secretly hates the Party and dreams of rebellion against Big Brother.

Ficção científica / Distopia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (119)

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Leitura reflexiva
on 23/9/20

1984 é uma distopia de altíssima qualidade, que retrata fielmente como um regime autoritário pode ceifar a liberdade, e até mesmo a vida, da população que está submissa a ele. No livro é mostrado um mundo que, no ano de 1984, é dividido em 3 potências (Oceania, Eurásia e Lestásia), que vivem em constante guerra. Os personagens principais moram na Oceania, que é comandada pelo Grande Irmão e seu Partido, e vivem à mercê das regras impostas pelo regime: sem liberdade para se comunicar, a... leia mais

Vídeos Nineteen eighty-four - 1984 (29)

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1984, de George Orwell

1984, de George Orwell

Tudo sobre o Clube dos Livros Imortais | Mark o Leitor

Tudo sobre o Clube dos Livros Imortais | Mark

Unboxing 15 do canal - George Orwell + item literário

Unboxing 15 do canal - George Orwell + item l

EP #126 | 1984 de George Orwell *sem spoilers*

EP #126 | 1984 de George Orwell *sem spoilers


Avaliações 4.4 / 102.113
ranking 63
ranking 28
ranking 8
ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
14/07/2014 19:09:03
editou em:
31/03/2021 16:52:18

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