Orc Me Baby One More Time

Orc Me Baby One More Time Ava Ross


Orc Me Baby One More Time (Monster Between The Sheets #10)

Can fake dating the town’s orc blacksmith turn into something real?

If I don’t find a date for my grandmother’s weekend birthday bash, my mother plans to set me up with the relative of a friend who has to be ninety. No thanks. On the spur of the moment, I ask the town’s orc blacksmith I’ve been crushing on for months to go with me.

Gunner agrees, and before I know it, we’re sneaking away from Grannie’s bash to steal a few kisses. Finally, I'm getting to know this sweet, shy blacksmith I'd do almost anything to date for real.

After Grannie’s weekend event ends, I figure I'll go back to admiring Gunner from afar. But it turns out he's no longer faking . . .

Orc Me Baby One More Time is part of the Monster Between the Sheets shared world with a happily ever after guaranteed.

Beware: Don’t read unless you enjoy shenanigans with a cinnamon roll orc blacksmith.

Contos / Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Orc Me Baby One More Time


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Foi ok
on 28/10/22

Esse livro não tem muita coisa acontecendo. A história é curta, mas mesmo assim eu achei bem arrastada. Levei 3 dias pra ler o que eu teria lido em poucas horas, numa tacada só. Não foi ruim, só não tinha nada demais acontecendo, só Gunner apaixonado pela Rylee e se questionando o tempo todo se ela poderia sentir o mesmo, e Rylee fazendo a mesma coisa: apaixonada por Gunner e se questionando o tempo todo se ele poderia sentir o mesmo. Ninguém fazia nada pra sair disso, então a coisa fo... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 6
ranking 17
ranking 33
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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
26/10/2022 01:00:28
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
26/10/2022 01:00:56

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