Our World

Our World Little Mix


Our World

The perfect gift for any Little Mix devotee, Our World is full of exclusive photos and inspirational stories about the girls' unique friendship. This official book is sure to delight any fan on Christmas morning.

Little Mix are the UK's most successful girl band. They first found fame - and each other - on The X Factor in 2011. Five years later they have gone from strength to strength, achieving huge global success. With three platinum-selling albums in the UK and over 14 million record sales worldwide, the band are both adored by their fans and critically acclaimed for their brilliant music.

In this book the girls share the real behind-the-scenes story of both their personal lives and their success. They reveal the many highs - what it feels like to perform in front of thousands of people; the excitement of seeing your music soar to Number One around the world - but also the lows. Through it all the girls have had each other, and their incredibly close friendship has grown stronger and stronger as the years have gone by. Now the girls are like sisters, and in this book they share their journeys and how it feels for your dreams to come true.

Brimming with exclusive photos, this book shares with us the girls' innermost secrets - their hopes and dreams for the future, their families, their relationships, their style advice and above all their friendship. This book is Little Mix's story in their own words and tells you everything you need to know about their lives both in and out of the spotlight.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Música / Não-ficção

Edições (1)

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Sem dúvida é um livro que nos faz sentir amigas íntimas delas. A história de cada uma me inspira a seguir meus sonhos. Nada vem fácil, como a Jesy disse. Então, temos que correr atrás de nossos sonhos e não ser a pessoa que olha para trás e pensa "e se?" Esse foi o ensinamento da Jade. Leigh Anne é inspiradora e muito amável e a Perrie é gentil mesmo depois de ter passado por tanta coisa. Leiam! É uma pena não ter sido traduzido ainda.... leia mais


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18/11/2016 15:32:36

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