The Bonobo and the Atheist

The Bonobo and the Atheist Frans de Waal


The Bonobo and the Atheist

In Search of Humanism Among the Primates

For many years, de Waal has observed chimpanzees soothe distressed neighbors and bonobos share their food. Now he delivers fascinating fresh evidence for the seeds of ethical behavior in primate societies that further cements the case for the biological origins of human fairness. Interweaving vivid tales from the animal kingdom with thoughtful philosophical analysis, de Waal seeks a bottom-up explanation of morality that emphasizes our connection with animals. In doing so, de Waal explores for the first time the implications of his work for our understanding of modern religion. Whatever the role of religious moral imperatives, he sees it as a 'Johnny-come-lately' role that emerged only as an addition to our natural instincts for cooperation and empathy. But unlike the dogmatic neo-atheist of his book's title, de Waal does not scorn religion per se. Instead, he draws on the long tradition of humanism exemplified by the painter Hieronymus Bosch and asks reflective readers to consider these issues from a positive perspective; What role, if any, does religion play for a well-functioning society today? And where can believers and nonbelievers alike find the inspiration to lead a good life? Rich with cultural references and anecdotes of primate behavior, 'The Bonobo and the Atheist' engagingly builds a unique argument grounded in evolutionary biology and moral philosophy. Ever a pioneering thinker, de Waal delivers a heartening and inclusive new perspective on human nature and our struggle to find purpose in our lives.


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The Bonobo and the Atheist


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on 3/6/21

Mais um livro espetacular de de Waal. O texto explora em maior detalhe (e muito mais bem elaborado - e bem escrito) o argumento apresentado em ?Primatas e Filosofos?: a de que a moralidade humana tem origens biológicas, e que os sentimentos morais básicos também estão presentes em animais, em especial nos grandes símios. O autor é um excelente escritor, o texto cativante, e os argumentos convincentes.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
13/09/2014 16:47:05
editou em:
25/01/2015 10:42:05

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