The Legacy of Yangchen

The Legacy of Yangchen F.C. Yee


The Legacy of Yangchen (Chronicles of the Avatar #4)

Avatar, the Last Airbender

From the New York Times bestselling author of Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi and Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Shadow of Kyoshi comes a thrilling new chapter in the Chronicles of the Avatar series and page-turning follow-up to Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Dawn of Yangchen
Common enemies make for strange friends . . .

Avatar Yangchen has succeeded in bringing a measure of stability to Bin-Er, but her successes have been limited to a single city, and rumors concerning Unanimity--a weapon capable of total obliteration--have led to increasing tensions among the Four Nations.

Desperate to restore diplomacy, Yangchen attempts to de-escalate hostilities between heads of state. But in the wake of a brutal assassination and the freeing of Unanimity, Yangchen is forced to bring Kavik--the trusted former companion whose betrayal crushed her--back into her fold.

As the Four Nations teeter on the brink of conflict and she begins to unravel the power-hungry Zongdu Chaisee's true agenda, Yangchen is forced to measure the worth of humanity, and how much can be sacrificed in the name of balance.

This taut and provocative fourth installment in the Chronicles of the Avatar series follows Avatar Yangchen as she charts the course of her legacy, finally making peace with her choices and facing Avatarhood with the courage it demands.


Edições (2)

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O Legado de Yangchen
The Legacy of Yangchen


(4) ver mais
The Rise of Kyoshi
The Shadow of Kyoshi
The Dawn of Yangchen
The Reckoning of Roku

Resenhas para The Legacy of Yangchen (3)

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Yee está mais precoupado em acariciar o próprio ego do que construir uma história sat
on 18/3/24

Meu desagrado com a escrita e as escolhas do autor vinham se acumulando desde os livros da Kyoshi e agora o balde transbordou: o ranço venceu. Já tinha pontuado em resenhas anteriores o quanto F. C. Yee parece interessado em retirar qualquer magia e encanto que o universo de Avatar oferece para focar na parte mais mundana e sórdida, para a minha incredulidade. Ele tem um fascínio por explorar a politicagem, as maquinações, os acordos econômicos, as traições. A impressão que tenho é qu... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 16
ranking 25
ranking 50
ranking 19
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
26/08/2023 06:25:54
editou em:
26/08/2023 06:26:23

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