The Spare Room

The Spare Room Andrea Bartz


The Spare Room

Staying with a friend and her husband is sexier—and deadlier—than anyone could have imagined, in this provocative domestic suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the Reese’s Book Club pick We Were Never Here.

Kelly’s new life in Philadelphia has turned into a nightmare: She’s friendless and jobless, and the lockdown has her trapped in a tiny apartment with the man she gave up everything for, who’s just called off their wedding. The only bright spot is her newly rekindled friendship with her childhood friend Sabrina—now a glamorous bestselling author with a handsome, high-powered husband.

When Sabrina and Nathan offer Kelly an escape hatch, volunteering the spare room of their remote Virginia mansion, she jumps at the chance to run away from her old life. There, Kelly secretly finds herself falling for both her enchanting hosts—until one night, a wild and unexpected threesome leads the couple to open their marriage for her.

At first, Kelly loves being part of this risqué new world. But when she discovers that the last woman they invited into their marriage is missing, she starts to wonder if they could be dangerous . . . and if she might be next.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Spare Room


Resenhas para The Spare Room (2)

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on 7/11/23

É bom, mas nem tanto. Peguei esse livro porque já havia lido um outro da autora, We Were Never Here, o qual gostei bastante, mas como nesse livro, o final foi bem ruinzinho. A história aqui tem uma sinopse bem intrigante e, tendo como base o outro livro dela, achei que seria um thriller bem melhor do que foi. Chegou uma hora no livro que eu questionei o que estava lendo, porque tomou uma direção muito diferente do que a do começo do livro. Ao final, houve um pouco de ação, porém o gran... leia mais


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