The Third Life of Grange Copeland

The Third Life of Grange Copeland Alice Walker


The Third Life of Grange Copeland

The Third Life of Grange Copeland is the debut novel of American author Alice Walker. Published in 1970, it is set in rural Georgia. It tells the story of Grange, his wife, their son Brownfield, and granddaughter Ruth.

As a poor sharecropper, Grange is virtually a slave; in cotton-era Baker County, Georgia, the more he works, the more money he ends up owing to the man who owns the fields he works and the house he lives in. Eventually life becomes too much for him and he runs away from his debts to start a new life up North, leaving his family.

After declining a loan from a white landowner which he knows he can't pay back, Brownfield begins to head North on foot to follow in his father's footsteps. Brownfield is led to a woman named Josie who owns and operates a lounge/brothel called the Dew Drop Inn (in some printings, the Dewey Inn). Brownfield winds up sharing a bed with Josie, her daughter Lorene, and Josie's deceased sister's daughter Mem. Brownfield takes a liking to Mem and eventually marries her under the disapproving Josie's nose.

Brownfield beats and eventually kills Meme (sometimes printed as "Mem") and is jailed for an arbitrary seven years. Grange finds the North unfulfilling and returns to Baker County, which is the only place he knows of as home.


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The Third Life of Grange Copeland


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A terceira vida de Grange Copeland

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Infelizmente, atual.
on 28/5/20

Este romance de estreia de Alice Walker (autora de A cor púrpura) é da segunda metade do século passado, porém sua temática é, infelizmente, atual: racismo institucionalizado, internalizado pelos próprios negros, em um ciclo perpétuo de autodepreciação e destruição, uma condenação à violência. Talvez os movimentos por direitos civis tenham contribuído - e muito - para, no mínimo, a libertação dos sentimentos de ódio contra si mesmo, embora pouco tenham feito para a evolução da sociedad... leia mais


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