The Truths We Burn

The Truths We Burn Monty Jay


The Truths We Burn (The Hollow Boys #2)

Beneath the deepest parts of Ponderosa Springs lied secrets that we never meant to be uncovered.

Blood has soaked the hands of those we trusted most. Decrepit intentions finally come to light.

And now truths are ready to be incinerated in the open for everyone to witness.

I was ready to watch this town that made me the villain, Rot in front of my eyes, but it seems ghosts don't stay buried here either.

Everyone's favorite sweetheart has returned to Hollow Heights dragging nothing but unanswered questions and grim memories behind her.

A distraction I can't afford with the police sniffing around.

A mistake that torched my last piece of humanity.

The dirty little secret that has returned searching for closure surrounding her sister's mysterious death.

But I know the innocent, lost girl is an act. Underneath it's just another part of her show.

They all are eating from the palm of her hand, puppets on her string.

But not me.

I see her for what she truly is, I always have.

A fake. A manipulator. A liar.

I won't let her ruin all we have worked for. I refuse to let her derail our plan of vengeance.

I've played your game once before, Sage, now it's time to play mine.

And you're not making it out without getting burned.

Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Truths We Burn
The Truths We Burn


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Melhor que o primeiro
on 14/5/24

Confesso que eu me enrolei pra dar sequência nessa série porque o primeiro livro foi uma merda. Cheguei aqui sem muitas expectativas, mas, ainda bem que eu ouvi todo mundo que concordou que o primeiro era ruim, mas, garantiu que o segundo era muito melhor. Todo mundo estava certo. Segunda chance é a minha trope favorita, não adianta. Eu confesso que só me liguei nisso no meio da história, o que acabou sendo uma boa surpresa. Diferente do primeiro livro, esse aqui você vê a constr... leia mais


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editou em:
02/06/2022 01:44:15