The Will of the Many

The Will of the Many James Islington


The Will of the Many (The Hierarchy Trilogy #1)

Vis, the adopted son of Magnus Quintus Ulcisor, a prominent senator within the Hierarchy, is trained to enter the famed Catenan Academy to help Ulciscor learn what the hidden agenda is of the remote island academy. Secretly, he also wants Vis to discover what happed to his brother who died at the academy. He's sure the current Principalis of the academy, Quintus Veridius Julii, a political rival, knows much more than he's revealing.

The Academy's vigorous syllabus is a challenge Vis is ably suited to meet, but it is the training in the use of Will, a practice that Vis finds abhorrent, that he must learn in order to excel at the Academy. Will--a concept that encompasses their energy, drive, focus, initiative, ambition, and vitality--can be voluntarily "ceded" to someone else. A single recipient can accept ceded Will from multiple people, growing in power towards superhuman levels. Within the hierarchy your level of Will, or legal rank, determines how you live or die. And there are those who are determined to destroy this hierarchal system, as well as those in the Academy who use it to gain dominance in internationally bestselling author James Islington's wonderfully crafted new epic fantasy series.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Will of the Many
The Will of The Many


Resenhas para The Will of the Many (9)

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The Will of The Many
on 27/2/24

ESSE LIVRO É FÚRIA VERMELHA SÓ QUE 1000 VEZES MELHOR. Eu já tinha visto um certo hype em cima desse livro desde que ele foi lançado lá fora no passado e todo mundo elogiando e falando bem e os surtos estavam altíssimos então já tinha colocado na minha lista pra ler então recentemente um amigo meu começou a ler e perguntei o que ele tava achando ele disse que estava muito bom e que era pra mim ler porque se eu gostei de fúria vermelha ia amar esse porque era muito melhor que fúria verme... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 47
ranking 55
ranking 36
ranking 6
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
09/12/2022 04:26:40
editou em:
22/07/2024 15:09:03

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