Wed to the Gargoyle

Wed to the Gargoyle Eden Ember


Wed to the Gargoyle (Arranged Monster Mates ##16)

Evie stood before the gargoyle, the stone monster who became her husdand with plans of escaping as soon as she could.

Doing her duty, Evie agreed to the blood test at the marriage temple. The gargoyle stared at her with cold eyes, agreeing to marry a human as a part of his duty. Neither were prepared for the union as husband and wife. Would they bridge the chasm between humans and monsters and make a life? Or would they find their paths going in different directions?

About Arranged Monster Mates:

The Temple, a matchmaking service for monsters, shifters, and aliens is open for service.

Arranged Monster Mates is a series of novellas written by your favorite paranormal and sci-fi romance authors: Eden Ember, Layla Fae, and Cara Wylde.

Each of these steamy stories has it all: a possessive male, a heroine ready to sacrifice herself to the beast, plenty of spice, and a happily ever after to curl your toes!

Erótico / Romance

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Wed to the Gargoyle


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Ruim para kct
3 weeks, 3 days ago

Olha pro livro me fazer recorrer a leitura dinâmica para terminar é pq ele é muito ruim pqp. Sério, que livro mal escrito pra 🤬 #$%!& . Quem escreveu esse livro tava perdido, vários pensamentos soltos juntos de forma mal costurada. Ela fala q deixou escapar pra veda a data de aniversário dela. Ai qndo chega o dia e a mulher a parabeniza ela fala q ficou surpresa e pergunta como ela sabia, ai a mulher fala q não tinha como ela esconder esse segredo. QUE ? #$%!& DE SEGREDO SE E... leia mais


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Jezreela Kemilly
cadastrou em:
08/05/2024 14:35:55
Jezreela Kemilly
editou em:
08/05/2024 14:36:20

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