When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Judith Kerr


When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

50th Anniversary edition

This semi-autobiographical classic, written by the beloved Judith Kerr, tells the story of a Jewish family escaping Germany in the days before the Second World War.

This beautiful new edition celebrates the fifty year anniversary of an adventure that Michael Morpurgo called “The most life-enhancing book you could ever wish to read.”

Suppose your country began to change. Suppose that without your noticing, it became dangerous for some people to live in it any longer, and you found, to your surprise, that your own father was one of those people. This is what happened to Anna in 1933.

Anna is too busy with her schoolwork and tobogganing to listen to the talk of Hitler. But one day she and her brother Max are rushed out of Germany in alarming secrecy, away from everything they know. Their father is wanted by the Nazis. This is the start of a huge adventure, sometimes frightening, very often funny and always exciting.

Judith Kerr wrote When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit fifty years ago, based on her own journey, so that her own children would know where she came from and the lengths to which her parents went to keep her and her brother safe. It has gone on to become a beloved classic that is required reading for many children all over the world and is an unforgettable introduction to the real-life impact of the Second World War.

This new edition celebrates fifty years of this extraordinary story.

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit


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on 25/6/23

Achei interessante porque é uma visão que nunca havia visto sobre a segunda guerra, do ponto de vista de uma família rica e que conseguiu sair da Alemanha antes da eleição.. vale bastante pra questionar e comparar com outros livros sobre o tema. Apenas lendo esse, não se tem ideia do que foi a segunda guerra, mas lendo outros livros vale a pena! Comparei muito com o diário de Anne Frank.. duas meninas judias, de mais ou menos mesma idade e experiências tão diferente... leia mais


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Drikas Fernandes
cadastrou em:
18/05/2023 19:00:43
Drikas Fernandes
editou em:
18/05/2023 19:01:06

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