Whispers in the Dark

Whispers in the Dark Lily Mayne...


Whispers in the Dark (Black Oasis #1)

MM Monster Romance

You never know what’s hiding under your bed…

At twenty-four, Cody has already lost hope of having a life of his own. All his time is spent playing nurse to a dying, spiteful step-father and maid to his bully half-brother. His only escapes are playing his favorite online fantasy game, Black Oasis, and talking to the strange, unearthly presence under his bed that may or may not actually exist.

But everything changes when his nightly visitor, who introduces himself as Nor, starts talking back.

As their connection deepens, Nor invites Cody into the surreal world existing just beyond his nightmares, filled with haughty demons, passion-killing pet bugs named Gef, and a dark landscape that is oddly familiar. With his sweet but monstrous companion by his side, Cody might finally gain the life of freedom and adventure that he’s always wanted.

Join Nor and Cody as they unearth the true meaning of hope, passion, and a love of endless depths that spans between worlds in Whispers in the Dark, the first book in Knight and Mayne’s co-authored queer, monster romance series, Black Oasis.

Whispers in the Dark is an M/M monster romance full of hurt/comfort, angst, humor, and a sweet, spicy love between a redheaded Texan and his precious, six-fingered Deepdweller. This love story contains explicit content and is not suitable for young readers. Be sure to check the Trigger Warnings at the beginning of the book for more details.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Whispers in the Dark


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Resenhas para Whispers in the Dark (4)

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on 14/10/23

Lily Mayne sempre me salvando de ressacas. Essa leitura foi divertida, mas eu esperava um pouco mais de ... terror? Culpa minha por ir com essa expectativa, principalmente pelo começo do livro, esperei algo mais sombrio, então depois a história ficou muito morna pra mim. (Se a pica pau tivesse lido as hashtags: magoa/conforto isso não teria acontecido) Como sempre, aprecio o fato dos monstros da lily serem exatamente isso, não homens sarados e perfeitos só que de cores diferenciadas... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/07/2023 22:09:03
editou em:
29/07/2023 22:11:22

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