All That

All That's Left in the World Erik J. Brown


All That's Left in the World

What If It's Us meets Life as We Knew It in this postapocalyptic, queer YA adventure romance from debut author Erik J. Brown. Perfect for fans of Adam Silvera and Alex London.

When Andrew stumbles upon Jamie's house, he's injured, starved, and has nothing left to lose. A deadly pathogen has killed off most of the world's population, including everyone both boys have ever loved. And if this new world has taught them anything, it's to be scared of what other desperate people will do . . . so why does it seem so easy for them to trust each other?

After danger breaches their shelter, they flee south in search of civilization. But something isn't adding up about Andrew's story, and it could cost them everything. And Jamie has a secret, too. He's starting to feel something more than friendship for Andrew, adding another layer of fear and confusion to an already tumultuous journey.

The road ahead of them is long, and to survive, they'll have to shed their secrets, face the consequences of their actions, and find the courage to fight for the future they desire, together. Only one thing feels certain: all that's left in their world is the undeniable pull they have toward each other.

Distopia / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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All That


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Agora esse é o nosso mundo

Resenhas para All That's Left in the World (22)

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Um mundo a la The Last Of Us com um romance LGBT...Perfeito!
on 25/12/22

Mas que sabor! Gente! Olha!... Realmente speechless... Uma escrita tão boa, mas tão boa... é o livro de estreia do cara!! Como isso?! É um ambiente extremamente imersivo. Não é forçado. Uma história pós-apocalíptica que simplesmente acontece. Sem muitas explicações, sem muitos pormenores. O mundo está ali, posto desse jeito, e as pessoas que lutem. Lembra um pouco a pegada de The Last of Us nesse sentido. Não na história, que não tem nada a ver, mas no cenário pós-apocalíptico. Os... leia mais


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