North Queen

North Queen Nicola Tyche


North Queen (Crowns #1)

"The political intrigue of Outlander or Game of Thrones with the magic and thrills of A Court of Thorns and Roses."
- US Review

"An epic tale displaying the best kind of fantasy, one dense with mysticism, magic, epic battles and mythology."
- BlueInk Review

Gripping and action-packed, Crowns is perfect for fans of thick plots with aching romance. This is a compelling first volume to a deliciously twisting trilogy that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

The Return of a Lost Heir …
The kingdom of Mercia has been at war with the Shadow King and his dark army for ten years. To escape the seer’s vision of her capture, Mercia’s heir to the throne, Princess Norah Andell, is secreted away by her father to keep her safe. But when he dies in battle, so too dies the knowledge of where she’s hidden. She’s lost to the world—until three years later, when she’s found with no memory of who she is or the kingdom that now rests on her shoulders.

A Conflicted Duty …
Loyal and fearless commander of the Mercian army, Alexander Rhemus, has protected the realm against the threat of the Shadow King, awaiting Norah’s return. Not only does she hold the fate of the kingdom, but also his heart. However, when she’s found, he discovers she has no memory of him, or what was once between them. With war still looming, Norah is expected to wed and secure an alliance—one Mercia desperately needs to stand against the Shadow King. Now, with Mercia’s future at stake, Alexander finds himself torn between his duty and his heart.

A Twisted Fate …
Norah is thrust into a world she doesn’t know, in a role she’s unprepared for, to save a kingdom she doesn’t remember. Under the hardship of winter and a dark enemy against them, Mercia is on the verge of breaking. As things start to unravel, the Shadow King draws Norah down a path of twisted fate—and it could cost her everything.

Fantasia / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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North Queen
North Queen


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Resenhas para North Queen (2)

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2 weeks, 4 days ago

Não sei o motivo que demorei tanto pra ler esse livro. Amei! Livro muito bem escrito. Com certeza vou ler os outros. Leiam! Vou fazer uma resenha melhor maosbtarde... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/09/2023 04:33:10
editou em:
29/09/2023 04:42:53

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