The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare Lilian Jackson Braun

PDF - O Gato que Conhecia Shakespeare

There's something rotten in the small town of Pickax--at least to the sensitive noses of newspaperman Jim Qwilleran and his Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum. An accident has claimed the life of the local paper's eccentric publisher, but to Qwilleran and his feline friends it smells like murder. They soon sniff out a shocking secret, but Koko's snooping into an unusual edition of Shakespeare may prove CATastrophic...because somewhere in Pickax a lady loves not wisely but too well, a widow is scandalously merry, and a stranger has a lean and hungry look. The stage is set for Qwilleran, Koko, Yum Yum, and the second act of murder most meow...

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare

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Um livro facil de ler, mas sem uma amarração muito boa. A história me pareceu meio aleatória. Foi o primeiro livro dessa autora que eu li, pretendo ler outros....
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