The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things

The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Carolyn Mackler


The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things

Sophomore Virginia Shreves lives in Manhattan and attends a prestigious private school. She lives by her Fat Girl Code of Conduct. She has a budding romance with Froggy the Fourth, but she doesn't want his wandering hands to feel her fat. Her baggy clothing helps her to "hide." Her mother, Dr. Phyllis Shreves, is an adolescent psychologist obsessed with her imperfect daughter's weight, and her father is rarely around. Her older sister joined the Peace Corps to escape mom, and brother Byron is big man on the Columbia campus-until he's suspended for date rape. Finally, Virginia stands up to her mother and takes charge of her life. Strong points in the novel are the issue of date rape and its consequences and, however glossed over, eating disorders. Parental pressure is overdone. Mom and dad are stereotypical of adults so involved in themselves that they cannot see their child for who she is. Some passages are very well done, but the book has an uneven quality in prose style and character development. Told through first-person narrative, journal entries, and e-mail, Virginia's story will interest readers who are looking for one more book with teen angst, a bit of romance, and a kid who is a bit like them or their friends.

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The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things


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on 30/1/12

Primeiro tenho que dizer: Amo esse título. É tão perfeito para o mundo da Virginia. O livro é realmente isso, um pouco de cada coisa – algumas determinadas, outras aleatórias – e tudo interligado e misturado. Ok, viajei legal agora, mas vamos lá... A Virginia tem quinze anos de idade e é a caçula de uma família praticamente perfeita. Os pais e os dois irmãos mais velhos simplesmente são bons em tudo o que fazem. E Virginia dentro dessa perfeição sempre se sentiu deslocada, com o seu c... leia mais


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